Extractions & Wisdom Teeth

There may be some instances where a tooth (or teeth) may need to be removed. These cases need to be properly diagnosed by a professional dentist—any and all alternatives should be discussed when considering tooth extraction. Reasons for tooth extraction may vary, but often include one or more of the following:

  • Preparation for Orthodontic or Cosmetic Treatment
  • Infection or Risk of Infection
  • Advanced Periodontal Disease
  • Advanced Decay
  • Insufficient Space (especially for wisdom teeth)
  • Prevention of Future Disease or Infection

In most cases, extraction of the tooth is the last resort to maintain dental health. However, sometimes it is the only option to relieve pain and regain oral health. We remove teeth for all reasons and your comfort is always our greatest concern. Whether it is a baby tooth that is already loose, a tooth with a painful abscess, or impacted wisdom teeth we want you to have the best experience possible.

If you feel like it’s time to get your wisdom teeth removed, call, text or make an appointment online. We are experts in the procedure and will ensure that you’re comfortable throughout the entire process.

Depending on the requirements of your tooth extraction, or wisdom teeth removal, we have a sedation option to match your needs. Our dentists will explain each part of the procedure so that you can make an informed decision about how you would like to proceed.

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